Re: Virtual Consultations Hosted by AIIB on the Energy Sector Strategy Update
To: Mr. Jin Liqun, President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Mr. Ludger Schuknecht, V.P. and Corporate Secretary, AIIB
Sir Danny Alexander, V.P., Policy and Strategy, AIIB
Mr. Bob Pickard, D.G., Communications Department, AIIB
AIIB Board of Directors
– Via Email –
Over the course of last week’s virtual consultations hosted by the AIIB on the Energy Sector Strategy Update, we hoped to join and engage in discussions in good faith. However, while we appreciate this gesture from the Bank towards expanding the process for public input on the Strategy Update, several key concerns – despite being raised consistently in writing and during online discussions – have yet to be addressed. As a result, following a collective deliberation, we are writing once again to highlight key issues of contention. With all due respect, we firmly reiterate our shared perspective that the consultation sessions as scheduled do not provide an opportunity for meaningful and inclusive dialogue between diverse sectors of civil society across the institution’s membership and the responsible Bank representatives – necessary not least because of the major implications on the future possibilities for just transition and the livelihood prospects of populations across borrowing nations of the Bank’s membership as well as meeting global climate ambitions.
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Re: AIIB’s Virtual Consultation Sessions on the Energy Sector Strategy Update
AIIB’s Extended Deadline for Public Input on the Energy Sector Strategy Update
AIIB response regarding the Extended Deadline for Public Input on the AIIB Energy Sector Strategy
Re: AIIB’s Call for Public Input on the Energy Sector Strategy Update
AIIB's Response: 'AIIB’s Call for Public Input on the Energy Sector Strategy Update'
Follow Up Correspondence Concerning the 2022 Energy Sector Strategy Update