The NGO Forum on ADB is an Asian-led network of civil society organizations (CSOs), based in Asia and the Pacific region.
Democratic governance and equitable social, gender and environmental justice enjoyed/flourishing through Asia and the Pacific region
Enhance the capacities of Civil Society Organizations and movements in the Asia Pacific to amplify their struggles against ADB policies, projects, and programs that threaten people’s lives, the environment, and their communities
To stimulate public awareness and action as well as develop closer working ties with Peoples’ Organizations (POs), Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) and other public interest groups on issues related to the Asian Development Bank
To develop a cohesive framework and overall strategy in coordination with partner NGOs, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Peoples Organizations (POs) for the campaign on the ADB
To sharpen the public debate on and understanding of the Bank’s growth-oriented development paradigm and top-down development strategies
To influence the Bank to adopt poverty reduction-focused and grassroots-based policies for sustainable development
To critique the development models adopted by the Bank
To assist and build capacities of CSOs and movements (including local communities) through Forum networks to fight for equitable social and environmental justice, democratic governance, and safeguards in Bank’s projects
To make the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) responsible and accountable for the impacts of its projects and policies.